Surrogate mother: Everything you need to understand

Who could be a Surrogate Mother? 

When you read something like "surrogate mother", a series of questions may come to mind, especially if you are single. Nowadays, it is more normal than ever to be childless. This is because more and more people choose not to have children. Surprisingly, they do not choose the option that seems like the obvious alternative - adoption. Adoption offers a baby without having to make it happen naturally, but this would change the natural course for these people. They would have to give up their free time for parenthood and also most parenting duties such as sleepless nights, diaper changing, and food preparation.
 It is a procedure used for infertility patients who are not able to get pregnant by themselves. The pregnancy happens when the egg from the donor is fertilized by sperm from the father, and then it is implanted in the uterus of the surrogate mother.

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